I’ve recently bought a Fit-PC and have an order in for the Fit-PC2 model. These are very small “desktop” computers that run on only a few (6-8) watts, but do all the usual things you need a computer to do. In contrast, typical laptops run at 30-60 watts.
I haven’t had a chance to try out the Fit-PC yet, because I need a monitor. Since I’ve been living out of a suitcase for the last 7 months, I’ve just been using a laptop. Now that I’m getting ready to return to Nigeria in two months, though, I’m looking for an energy-efficient monitor.
One review of energy-efficient monitors covers four models, but only one is in the size range I want for carrying overseas: the Lenovo Thinkvision L1940P. It runs at 18 watts, is rated 5 (of 5) stars by one reviewer on Amazon, and costs $222. However, Amazon also sells the 19-inch ViewSonic VX1932wm-LED,